Fire in the Bones:
The Official Newsletter of the Sacred Ecstatics Guild

June 6, 2022

Use Your Best Stuff

Unexpected Advice from a Famous Hero of the Counterculture * * * Greetings from New Orleans. This month we’re sharing a teaching that came down during our recent Guild season. Speaking of which, we made some changes to our opening frame: Other wonderful suggestions from Guild members included: Ecstatic cooking over diagnostic lookingOuroboreancircularity over big... Read On
May 13, 2022

“When He Saw Who I Was, He Saw Who He Was Called to Become”

A Two-Part Essay on Becoming a Healer and How to Pray We finished our Guild season in early May, and now I am looking back through the visionary material that came down to us since last October. When the dreams pour down nightly, which they often do in this house, we don’t have a lot... Read On
March 1, 2022

Catching God’s Water,
Drinking a Glass of Love

It’s Mardi Gras in New Orleans, and the streets are filled with parade floats and costumed revelers. We may venture out (or not) to catch a taste of the joy. Regardless, we sure love knowing the Mardi Gras Indians are out there roaming the streets with tambourines in hand! At the same time, our hearts... Read On
December 30, 2021

Our Favorite Stories This Year:
Teachings from 2021

Though a new year is about to begin, we’re actually in the middle of our Guild “year” which launches annually every fall. Since October marks the beginning of our Act 1, January propels us into Act 2 — the wonderful wobble between before and after. Every year at this time we feel ready to shift... Read On
