Catching God’s Water,
Drinking a Glass of Love

It’s Mardi Gras in New Orleans, and the streets are filled with parade floats and costumed revelers. We may venture out (or not) to catch a taste of the joy. Regardless, we sure love knowing the Mardi Gras Indians are out there roaming the streets with tambourines in hand! At the same time, our hearts are with the many people we personally know who are witnessing the invasion of Ukraine with real fear for the future. Whether you’re dancing in the streets or glued to the news, now is always the right time to reach for the rope to the big room.

So we invite you to come inside the Spirit House of New Orleans, where this week dreams drew us back to the Kalahari. There we re-encountered the story of a Bushman grandmother who could receive God’s water from the sky and share it with others. Enjoy this glimpse inside the Sacred Ecstatics Guild and join us this week in conducting a special ritual, morning and night, raising a glass to catch the liquid light so desperately needed in our starched and love-parched world.

With love from New Orleans,

Hillary & Brad

(Note: Watch on YouTube to see the full chapter list. Broadcast begins at minute 1:48.)

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