Category: Summer Camp Bulletin 2020

New Summer of Extreme Love – Weekly Newsletter Archive
We have spent the summer of 2020 on a mystical adventure in our First Creation campground. In early June we launched a special online “summer camp” open to previous Guild members. Since declaring this the “new summer of extreme love,” our vision-led journey has built a campground filled with spirit critters, ancestors, and a barn…
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Who Knows Where or When
Welcome to the final installment of our Summer Camp News Bulletin. We just concluded our first ever online summer camp! Though we have been sharing weekly newsletters about our experiences, it has been difficult to fully tell the story of what has taken place – how we created a whole virtual mystical reality together that felt…
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Taking a Vow
Welcome to the 12th installment of our Summer Camp News Bulletin. There are just two weeks left of summer camp! We are currently in the middle of our fourth experiment that launched two weeks ago. The full instructions will be published later in our summer camp book, but for now we can say that it involves…
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Making Your Body a Home for the Spirits:
A Balinese Spirit Acting Lesson
Welcome to the 10th installment of our Summer Camp News Bulletin. As you know, we have been conducting a series of “experiments” this summer — mystical tasks or rituals that come down the visionary pipeline. Recently we launched an experiment in which we invited the primary spirit critters from our summer camp – two bears, a…
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Sushi and Tempura:
The Two Sides of a Full Spiritual Life
Welcome to our 9th installment of our Summer Camp News Bulletin. This week we share a visionary teaching from seiki jutsu master, Ikuko Osumi, Sensei. We learn what this ancient art of the vital life force brings, and what it is missing. Recently, after Brad dreamed of the fountain of singing water, he woke up still…
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In the Kitchen with Johnny Hodges: How A Single Note Can Change Everything
Welcome to our 8th installment of our Summer Camp News Bulletin. This past week, Brad went to a visionary classroom to meet a famous musician who brought us a teaching on the power of a single, perfect tone. In the dream, we went to a very large mansion where an older man met us at the…
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Our Love: An Empty Bucket and A Waterfall
Welcome to our seventh installment of our Summer Camp News Bulletin. This week we bring you a special visionary classroom report is actually from the past. But it wasn’t until another recent vision came down that its teaching was able to fully pour in. Last week Brad dreamed that we both stood near a well of…
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Hammerhead Shark, Two Airport Lines, and the Stairs Not Everyone Can Climb
Welcome to our sixth installment of our Summer Camp News Bulletin. This week we bring you a special visionary classroom report that delivered us some unexpected but much needed medicine from the other side. Before going to sleep one night last week, Hillary felt anxious and worried about earthly matters beyond her control. With her heart…
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Shoot the Gun That’s Meant for You: Finding and Using Your Spiritual Instrument
Welcome to our fifth installment of our Summer Camp News Bulletin. Last week we revealed the full mystery of the cabin with two bears, the little white mare, and the two-word prayer. We are now in the midst of Experiment 2 which has everyone taking the stage, emphasizing the performance art of spiritual cooking rather…
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The Little White Mare Will Help Carry Your Prayer
A Transportive Visionary Experiment Welcome to our fourth installment of our Summer Camp News Bulletin. You’ll recall that our new summer of extreme love began with the vision of two bears on a roof and a prayer stone. Both bears serve as gatekeepers to the other side, however it’s the white bear you should aim…
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