Category: Visionary Reports

Use Your Best Stuff
Unexpected Advice from a Famous Hero of the Counterculture * * * Greetings from New Orleans. This month we’re sharing a teaching that came down during our recent Guild season. Speaking of which, we made some changes to our opening frame: Other wonderful suggestions from Guild members included: Ecstatic cooking over diagnostic lookingOuroborean circularity over big…
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“When He Saw Who I Was, He Saw Who He Was Called to Become”
A Two-Part Essay on Becoming a Healer and How to Pray We finished our Guild season in early May, and now I am looking back through the visionary material that came down to us since last October. When the dreams pour down nightly, which they often do in this house, we don’t have a lot…
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Our Favorite Stories This Year:
Teachings from 2021
Though a new year is about to begin, we’re actually in the middle of our Guild “year” which launches annually every fall. Since October marks the beginning of our Act 1, January propels us into Act 2 — the wonderful wobble between before and after. Every year at this time we feel ready to shift…
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Connecting the Dots with Chick Corea:
A Musical Podcast
In a recent dream, Brad met the legendary jazz pianist, Chick Corea, who passed away in 2021. He then received a mysterious teaching about music, emotion, and catching the shape of a boulder. Listen to Brad and his Steinway Grand C tell the story. – The Keeneys, November 29, 2021
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Traveling in Reverse
All Aboard the Oldest Means of Spiritual Transportation!We’re Going Home. In this month’s visionary report we’re taking you all the way back to the original home of healing. Drop your categorical narrative imperative and find your way to the rhythms and tones that sing to a deeper part of you. To stop the conscious curse,…
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There is a River:
Walking on Water with Edgar Cayce
Greetings, everyone! The new Guild season has begun, and we’d like to invite you inside the dreamtime with us. There are many stories to tell, but it all begins on a bridge in Smithville, Missouri. There is a River Brad dreamed he was pushing a large empty wheelbarrow along the streets of the town where…
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Join Us on a Mystery Safari:
A New Video from Hillary & Brad
Greetings from New Orleans. It’s the end of September, and we are getting ready to launch our next Guild season that begins October 2nd. We’re very fortunate that our home suffered no damage from Hurricane Ida, though it did send us to north Texas for a ten-day infusion of barbecue and frozen custard. That was…
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Baseball Diamond in the Sky
Last night we watched the extraordinary “Field of Dreams” game on TV, inspired by the 1989 movie starring Kevin Costner. For many baseball lovers, that story is as holy as a Biblical parable. It’s also a film about fathers and sons bonded together by their shared love for the game. Watching the game reminded us…
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(Desperately) Reaching for the Big Room
* * * About one year ago we suggested to the Guild that they should aim for housing at least 51% of their life in the big room. Why 51%? Because that’s the minimum majority stake for legal ownership. If you want your life to be owned by God (higher wisdom and deeper love), you’re…
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The Earth is a Numi:
A Video from Hillary and Brad
A clip from one of our Guild webinars last winter. Brad surprises Hillary with a story about his early days at MIT, what the astronauts said about space, and how seeing Earth as a numi can change your life. For fans of the Numi book. To read the book, Catching a Numi: A Little Guide…
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