Category: Miscellaneous Essays

(Desperately) Reaching for the Big Room
* * * About one year ago we suggested to the Guild that they should aim for housing at least 51% of their life in the big room. Why 51%? Because that’s the minimum majority stake for legal ownership. If you want your life to be owned by God (higher wisdom and deeper love), you’re…
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Sacred Ecstatics and Complexity Medicine: A Musical Interview with
Hillary and Brad
We explore: hosting a campfire over Zoom, ancestors, stones, frying pans, visions, Edgar Cayce, being a Magical Man of Mirth, a grandmother’s cooking, putting more “hex” in com-hex-ity medicine, pouring sacred emotion, and more.
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The Experiments of Sacred Ecstatics
Every Sacred Ecstatics Guild season we perform a new series of “mystical experiments” that are sent down the visionary dream pipeline. These numinous-soaked creative practices amplify sacred emotion, inspire spontaneous body motion, and stir up the sacred vibration – helping us live with more daily spiritual cooking and less reflective looking. Each experiment brings a…
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Take a Different Kind of Breath: Uncommon Treatments for Panic Attacks
We’ve been going through our archives from the last few Guild seasons and stumbled upon this exchange we had with a man who reached out to us for help. Suffering from panic attacks and asthma, he sent us the following letter after reading a visionary teaching that came down on diaphragmatic breathing: Dear Ones, Last…
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A Day and Night
in the Life of an Ecstatic Misfit
An autobiographical description of daily living inside the room of Sacred Ecstatics (This essay was recently written for current members of our Guild. A few of the metaphors may make no logical sense to the general reader. That’s one good reason to proceed!) * * * As partners in rhyme, we aim to live every…
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Master Class Africa: Listen to Our Interview on African Radio
We were recently interviewed by Sir Max on African radio: “This week on Master Class Africa we are joined by authors and spiritual teachers, Bradford & Hillary Keeney, of a work called: Sacred Ecstatics that has deep roots to Africa wisdom ways.” Sir Max is a wonderful host, and we discussed the following: 1. The…
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Sacred Music Is the Divine Love Elixir and Temperature Fixer
Confucius said, “Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without.” Likewise, the most exhilarating sacred ecstasy simply cannot occur without music. While it is possible to experience a direct infusion of sacred emotion, akin to being struck by divine lighting, this is extremely rare. Transmission usually requires the magical potion or ecstatic…
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Resurrecting Easter
A letter we shared with our Guild members on Easter morning. This morning Brad woke up with no memory of what he had been dreaming, but felt energized with these surprising questions reverberating in his mind: “What is the body of the risen Christ? Is it made of earthy flesh or heavenly light? What happened…
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Sound Spa for the Inner Body:
Plugging In to the Other Side
An essay on mystical electricity, sacred emotion, and making the hookup through soulful music. This essay was originally published in March 2020, two weeks after we entered self-isolation (one year and counting) due to the coronavirus pandemic. Our prayers go out to all those who have suffered, passed on, and lost loved ones this year….
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Activating Your Spiritual Metabolism
Receiving, Digesting, and Sharing Spiritual Gifts Today folks here in the U.S. are celebrating Thanksgiving, which is a holiday focused primarily on getting together to share a huge meal. There is the joy and stress of cooking, family relationships, and overeating. Keeping with the theme of digestion and sharing, we bring you a reminder that…
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