Fire in the Bones:
The Official Newsletter of the Sacred Ecstatics Guild

December 31, 2020

Your Book of Life and
2020 – the Year in Review

The following vision came down a couple days ago, straight from the mystical library. It brought two questions to consider as we punctuate the shift from one year to another. Below that, a list of twelve visionary reports from 2020, one from each month. We are launching prayer bombs and sending song rockets out to... Read On
December 24, 2020

Receiving a Spiritual Compass

After Brad returns to his childhood church, one longtime Guild member receives seiki transmission and is granted a new compass to guide his life. * * * Edgar Cayce, the famous seer from Kentucky, came to us in the visionary realm. He stared into our eyes and spoke: “God is a vibration.” As he said... Read On
December 5, 2020

Receiving Seiki
at the Mississippi Crossroads

Essay and Musical Track Like Osumi Sensei, we feel when it is the right time to give someone seiki. We were fortunate to have learned from her how to give a transmission from any distance, including doing so in a visionary dream. There is no way of predicting when this will take place, though we... Read On
December 4, 2020

Take a Different Kind of Breath: Uncommon Treatments for Panic Attacks

We’ve been going through our archives from the last few Guild seasons and stumbled upon this exchange we had with a man who reached out to us for help. Suffering from panic attacks and asthma, he sent us the following letter after reading a visionary teaching that came down on diaphragmatic breathing: Dear Ones, Last... Read On
November 27, 2020

Traveling with Edgar Cayce

A Visionary Adventure to Discover the True Teaching of the Magical Blue Stone Brad dreamed that we met the famous clairvoyant, Edgar Cayce, and retook his former journey to southern Arizona: Hillary and I joined Edgar Cayce and T. Mitchell Hastings, the young man who had accompanied him back then, on the same long car... Read On
