Fire in the Bones:
The Official Newsletter of the Sacred Ecstatics Guild

March 16, 2021

Sound Spa for the Inner Body:
Plugging In to the Other Side

An essay on mystical electricity, sacred emotion, and making the hookup through soulful music. This essay was originally published in March 2020, two weeks after we entered self-isolation (one year and counting) due to the coronavirus pandemic. Our prayers go out to all those who have suffered, passed on, and lost loved ones this year.... Read On
February 28, 2021

Taking a Swim in the Wigram Stream: Returning to the Original Headwaters of Religious Mystery

Last week we shared a video clip of our recent Guild broadcast on Instagram. Afterward, we received thousands of emails (two) asking us what we meant by “Wigram Stream.” So, we have squeezed that long and interesting story into a 7-minute essay. The main, juicy teaching is this: all religions since the dawn of time... Read On
January 28, 2021

Osumi Sensei Makes a House Call

Before we get to this week’s visionary report, we’re excited to announce that our newsletter has a new name: The Visionary Report: Mystical News from the Other Side When we launched Sacred Ecstatics in the fall of 2014, we immediately began receiving visionary dreams almost every night. (You can read these early reports in our... Read On
January 20, 2021

The Mystical Methane Converter:
Converting Mind Gas Into Heart Fuel

Brad recently dreamed that he met one of our long time Guild members, Lance, in an advanced laboratory: I had been tinkering in the lab before Lance arrived. There was an assortment of small pipes strewn about the table, along with an unusual looking little box that had not quite been fully assembled. As soon... Read On
January 5, 2021

The Experiments of Sacred Ecstatics

Every Sacred Ecstatics Guild season we perform a new series of “mystical experiments” that are sent down the visionary dream pipeline. These numinous-soaked creative practices amplify sacred emotion, inspire spontaneous body motion, and stir up the sacred vibration – helping us live with more daily spiritual cooking and less reflective looking. Each experiment brings a... Read On
