Fire in the Bones:
The Official Newsletter of the Sacred Ecstatics Guild

June 17, 2021

Deathbed or Life Bed?
It’s a Matter of Electricity

Greetings all! Our only news since our last newsletter is that a) the New Orleans humidity is finally upon us(so is hurricane season!)and b)we’re a hundred pages or so closer to finishing the colossal, multi-book editing project of summer 2021. We’re enjoying it, actually, because each book is a compilation of all the visions, experiments,... Read On
June 2, 2021

Early Summer News:
Follow the Ever-Peal

It’s June 2nd, and we recently finished our 2020-2021 Guild season. As the humidity starts to thicken down here in New Orleans, we have begun the project of editing almost three years’ worth of visionary reports. We’re talking well over one thousand typed pages, divided into three books! They are not just dreams, but a... Read On
May 25, 2021

Crossroads Visions and Seiki Transmissions:
Stories from the Guild

Every year we launch a new season of the Sacred Ecstatics Guild that begins in the fall and ends in the spring. Our teaching is organized entirely by what comes down the visionary pipeline, and each season we create a record of these visions and the transformative encounters they inspire. Guild members also visit the... Read On
April 22, 2021

Catching a Numi

A few years ago, I (Hillary) had a vision in which the Sacred Ecstatics community was on a long road trip. Along the way we stopped at churches to collect maps and information to guide our journey. There I discovered two little books at a kiosk in a church lobby: The Pinnacle Prayer Book and... Read On
April 1, 2021

Sacred Ecstatics and Complexity Medicine: A Musical Interview with
Hillary and Brad

We explore: hosting a campfire over Zoom, ancestors, stones, frying pans, visions, Edgar Cayce, being a Magical Man of Mirth, a grandmother’s cooking, putting more “hex” in com-hex-ity medicine, pouring sacred emotion, and more. Read On
