Fire in the Bones:
The Official Newsletter of the Sacred Ecstatics Guild

December 8, 2019

Lame Deer and the Sacred Pipe

A few days ago, Brad dreamed we were conducting an intensive in an unfamiliar city. At the end of the day we were approached by a privileged man of authority who wanted to experience sacred ecstasy: The man said bluntly, “I want you to give me n/om” [the sacred vibration]. He asked for a spiritual... Read On
November 28, 2019

Activating Your Spiritual Metabolism

Receiving, Digesting, and Sharing Spiritual Gifts Today folks here in the U.S. are celebrating Thanksgiving, which is a holiday focused primarily on getting together to share a huge meal. There is the joy and stress of cooking, family relationships, and overeating. Keeping with the theme of digestion and sharing, we bring you a reminder that... Read On
November 12, 2019

Announcing The Pinnacle Prayer Book!

A few years ago we were in Budapest and before going to sleep one night, Brad prayed that I would be sent in dream to a spiritual classroom to receive further guidance for our work together. That night I had a powerful vision in which I was presented with a small, black, leather bound book... Read On
October 19, 2019

An Experiment in Long Distance Transmission

Sending Spiritual Electricity Through the Ropes that Connect Us One evening Brad closed his eyes and, hearing a song inside, he envisioned transmitting the sacred vibration of n/om to members of the Sacred Ecstatics Experiment. He imagined that his trembling hands were placed on top of each person’s head. The very next day we received... Read On
October 3, 2019

Meeting Your Ancestors in the Mystical Library

A Son Finds His Father on the Other Side A few days after we posted our essay on visiting the mystical library and Brad’s dream of receiving the visionary book, we received a letter from a dear friend of ours, Michael Vincent: Hi Brad and Hillary, I just wanted to briefly share with you a... Read On
