Fire in the Bones:
The Official Newsletter of the Sacred Ecstatics Guild

April 12, 2020

Resurrecting Easter

A letter we shared with our Guild members on Easter morning. This morning Brad woke up with no memory of what he had been dreaming, but felt energized with these surprising questions reverberating in his mind: “What is the body of the risen Christ? Is it made of earthy flesh or heavenly light? What happened... Read On
April 1, 2020

Back to Africa: Finding the Missing Piece

After learning that Zulu High Sanusi, Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa, passed away at age 98, Brad dreams of returning to Africa to meet him again. There he retrieves something he left behind many years ago. In the vision I was driving a small, old jeep in the bush somewhere in southern Africa. I could see wild... Read On
March 13, 2020

A Medicine Person is a Janitor With a Broom Who Lives in a Big Room

Visionary Report and a Prayer A few days ago, Brad dreamed we were at a modern administration building for the Navajo Nation, the territory that lies in northeastern Arizona, northwestern New Mexico, and southeastern Utah: Hillary and I were sitting in front of a desk being interviewed by a middle age woman who asked us... Read On
March 7, 2020

Go Past Spirituality and Head to Broadway

A Visionary Prescription for Altering Our Spiritual Condition A few months ago, for nearly a two-week period Brad awakened almost every night to hear these words spoken: “Go past spirituality and head to Broadway.” On four of these nights he heard a mystical phone ring so loudly in a dream that it woke him up.... Read On
February 1, 2020

The Samurai Sword is Received:
A Pre-Pandemic Visionary Report

This vision came down the day before a group of Guild members came to New Orleans during the month of February 2020. We gathered every afternoon to spiritually cook and ended the month by celebrating Mardi Gras together. Just a couple weeks later, the whole country shut down because of the pandemic and we have... Read On
