Fire in the Bones:
The Official Newsletter of the Sacred Ecstatics Guild

May 30, 2020

Two Bears on the Roof

Mystical News from the Sacred Ecstatics Summer Camp* We begin our “new summer of love” with Brad’s recent dreams that took place at our home in New Orleans: Hillary and I went outside and found a large black bear standing on the front part of our slanted roof, facing the street. We knew it was... Read On
May 22, 2020

Apple, Orange, and a Pear: Becoming a Better Spiritual Partner

Accept that the highest spiritual occupation is to serve, accompany, and learn rather than to lead, solo, or teach. We have been fortunate over the past several years to spiritually cook with many couples who are part of the Sacred Ecstatics Guild. Below is some of what we’ve learned about the art of being alive... Read On
May 17, 2020

Sacred Music Is the Divine Love Elixir and Temperature Fixer

Confucius said, “Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without.”Likewise, the most exhilarating sacred ecstasy simply cannot occur without music. While it is possible to experience a direct infusion of sacred emotion, akin to being struck by divine lighting, this is extremely rare. Transmission usually requires the magical potion or ecstatic... Read On
April 29, 2020

Movement On

A short and curious dream led us to a simple daily prescription for life changing action. Last year Brad dreamed of reading a photo essay in The New Yorker magazine. It presented twelve commissioned original works of art by leading painters to honor the major historical contributions to the healing professions, including those in psychotherapy,... Read On
April 21, 2020

A Song of All Songs

“Rejoice inside a prayer-song. Everything else follows from there.” Brad’s report of an exceptionally joyful and powerful dream: I dreamed that I simply said, “1, 2, 3” with such a sincere, soft, authoritative, soulful, and evocative tone, rhythm, and emotion that it opened the portal to heaven above. This prayed trinity of numbers was not... Read On
