Fire in the Bones:
The Official Newsletter of the Sacred Ecstatics Guild

June 28, 2020

Shoot the Gun That’s Meant for You: Finding and Using Your Spiritual Instrument

Welcome to our fifth installment of our Summer Camp News Bulletin. Last week we revealed the full mystery of the cabin with two bears, the little white mare, and the two-word prayer. We are now in the midst of Experiment 2 which has everyone taking the stage, emphasizing the performance art of spiritual cooking rather... Read On
June 21, 2020

The Little White Mare Will Help Carry Your Prayer

A Transportive Visionary Experiment Welcome to our fourth installment of our Summer Camp News Bulletin. You’ll recall that our new summer of extreme love began with the vision of two bears on a roof and a prayer stone. Both bears serve as gatekeepers to the other side, however it’s the white bear you should aim... Read On
June 14, 2020

Window to the Kalahari

We dedicate this essay to our friend and fellow n/om-kxao, /Kunta Boo, who just passed away this week. As the old Bushmen say, he’s now a star in the sky with a rope ready to be thrown down to earth for the next hungry heart ready to climb toward God. Brad dreamed we took a... Read On
June 10, 2020

Revisiting Mark Twain’s Book of Life

It’s been one year since Mark Twain joined our Guild. We’ve been doing our best to live up to his advice, keeping the electrical current flowing and God on the line. Click below to read the full essay: GOD ON THE LINE: A LESSON FROM MARK TWAIN’S BOOK OF LIFE Read On
June 7, 2020

The Music Medicine Cabinet

Weekly Summer Camp News Bulletin #2 For all past bulletins, click here Over a week ago, before all the protests broke out in the U.S., Brad had a dream: In the dream I felt an unusually sharp pain in the left side of my abdomen. I went to a medicine cabinet that mysteriously had been... Read On
