Traveling with Edgar Cayce
A Visionary Adventure to Discover the True Teaching
of the Magical Blue Stone
Brad dreamed that we met the famous clairvoyant, Edgar Cayce, and retook his former journey to southern Arizona:
Hillary and I joined Edgar Cayce and T. Mitchell Hastings, the young man who had accompanied him back then, on the same long car trip. Called “the missing month” of Edgar Cayce’s life, he kept the journey a secret. Cayce didn’t want anyone to know that he was feeling physically weak, had been publicly labeled a fraud, arrested for medical malpractice, that his financial benefactor had gone bankrupt, and that he had been evicted from his home, was penniless, and feeling unsure about his spiritual work.
It was the lowest and darkest period of his life. Spirit told him to immediately journey to southern Arizona where he’d find rich deposits of one of the most vibratory mineral gems on earth that would realign and amplify his communicative link with the other side, providing the higher guidance he needed. Cayce and Hastings, a science student at Harvard who later would develop inventions that concerned the communicational use of electromagnetism, including FM radio, took off on February 27, 1934 on a 7,150-mile road trip. On October 25, 2020 they took the same trip again, this time with the founders of Sacred Ecstatics on board.
Ecstatic Alchemy
In the car I recalled how two years ago I went through a phase of dreaming about ancient alchemical practices. It touched Hillary and I so strongly that we even considered changing the name of our work to “ecstatic alchemy.” In one powerful vision I saw Ouroboros suspended in the air right in front of me. I literally faced the ancient serpent or dragon that chases and swallows its own tail. This constantly creating, circulating creature had ingested and was holding a large stone within its belly as it traveled in recursive circles. A voice from on high declared, “This is the philosopher’s white stone; it has been made.”
Immediately the whole body of work we had produced—Sacred Ecstatics—was revealed as a newborn enactment of ancient alchemy, recreating “the great work” or Magnus opus, the alchemical term for the transformative process of creating the philosopher’s stone or lapis philosophorum. Ouroboros taught us how alchemical process must be depicted as multileveled and occupying multiple realities at the same time. Even the philosopher’s stone is simultaneously the substance that turned mercury and other base metals into gold, as well as the elixir of life, the mystical egg, and the sought grail of sacred ecstasy—the pinnacle spiritual experience.

Lapis Blue Electricus
My remembrance of this past visionary material was interrupted by the present visionary adventure. We had arrived at the Seventy-Six Ranch outside of Bisbee, Arizona and found the stones we were searching for. Lying in a field with a lapis in each of our hands, we felt their vibratory effect. It was an experience I have long been familiar with—the high frequency vibration that makes my head buzz as the inner electricity of heightened seiki, n/om, and the holy spirit circulates with maximal power. In that moment we realized that spiritual cooking, the main transforming activity of Sacred Ecstatics, has the same effect as the lapis electricus* Cayce needed to become retuned, recalibrated, and more aligned to the main force and source of creation.
*This is our name for the stone that Cayce later often referred to as lapis linguis. He was sometimes referring to lapis lazuli and sometimes to azurite.

Cayce had been plugging into the other side as a channel without the spiritual heat required to sufficiently clear away small room influences. This meant that he was vulnerable to a multitude of distortion, interference, and backfire effects. In other words, missing the sacred ecstatic fire and big room construction tools, he had to work harder to keep his reception clean, doing his best to remain focused on higher will. After finding the lapis, he believed it helped him connect to a higher way of serving human beings, something he often fell short of accomplishing in the years before.
Cayce needed to rise above the earthly concerns of social acceptance, attachment to physical belongings, and long-term fiscal security. He came back from Arizona more committed to focusing on achieving higher spiritual work, something made possible by tuning into a higher frequency that was less cluttered by trickster concerns.
As a result of the trip, Hastings also no longer doubted his own intuitions and inner gifts and went on to achieve a successful career based on trusting what the lapis revealed to him about the vibratory nature of things.
Keeping the Channel Clean
If Edgar Cayce had difficulty keeping his channel or rope line clean, expect the same challenge for yourself. Trickster will come at you with every imaginable temptation to pull you away from the highest reference signal of “Thy will be done.” It will either deflate or inflate you—fill you with hopeless despair about your ineptitude, persistent error-bound habits, and bumbling setbacks or it will provide an exaggerated estimation of your abilities and false sense of pride. Like Edgar Cayce, you are going to have to get over your “big me” and sweep away its small room clutter, debris, deception, and illusion.
Edgar Cayce had a dedicated church life and was a Sunday School teacher. He found that in spite of his sincerely enacted faith he was still vulnerable to being taken on a trickster ride that chilled his soul. Without that dedicated spiritual life, however, he likely would never have found his way out of those dark nights.
When you are lost, you may also feel a loss of energy and enthusiasm that pulls you away from a closer relationship with Thee. When you feel this way, it can be difficult to find the motivation to take your medicine, which is taking spiritual action. As we previously wrote in the Catch-22 teaching: Act even when you don’t feel sacred emotion and holy inspiration. Act in order to feel what you will never understand.
This is the act of bowing before the lineage lines that carry the phone line, the power line, the gift delivery line, and the highway line to ecstasy land. Listen to the whispering voice that is always talking to your “little me,” the deepest spiritual part of you: “Go on a journey to Ecstasy Land.” The surest way there is to follow the guides who are plugged into its higher power and communication system. They own the lapis electricus, the alchemical philosopher’s vibratory singing stone.
The True Teaching of Edgar Cayce’s Stone
At the end of the visionary journey, a higher teaching was given about the true nature of the stone Cayce held in his hand. We paraphrase below what we learned:
The actual stone Cayce traveled 7,150 miles to find was the least important part of his adventure. Though people hearing the story may be seduced to bring home a lapis linguis or chunk of Bisbee azurite, this action misses what was, still is, and forever shall be what is most spiritually essential: seeking attunement to the numinous.
What mattered is that Cayce took the leap and went on the journey. He dropped his habits of worrying and strategizing how to find solutions to his multi-leveled life calamity. It helped that he had truly hit bottom and crashed, rather than only faced a little bump in the road. This made it more difficult to trust another trickster suggestion. Instead, this time he more deeply listened to and heard the whisper within of spiritual counsel that ran against the grain of his allegedly-more-logical brain.
He dropped everything he was doing and got in his car to drive across the country in 1934. He had one purpose—to find a rock-solid way of hooking up to higher guidance. This time the voice that came through was better heard by his little me, because Edgar Cayce’s worldly bankruptcy had also bankrupted his reliance upon his big me’s mentation and calculation. Without big me out of the way, the messages and guidance of spirit are always rearranged and reframed by Second Creation’s opposition to First Creation.
In the visionary realm we noticed how Edgar Cayce did not feel like getting in that car and turning the ignition key—he was too physically exhausted and felt too despondent to act. But he did it anyway as if it was the last thing left for him to try. This is the same kind of situation each Guild member may face when you hear any instruction offered by Sacred Ecstatics visionary guidance. However, most of you are likely missing the full blessing granted to Edgar Cayce—the complete ruination of everything concerning your physical, fiscal, and professional life.
You are left with too much trust in your big me and this crowds out your access to little me perception, conception, and reception. Whatever signal comes through is quickly appropriated by trickster, rendering you lost while trickster insists the voice of higher guidance is coming through.
Perhaps the most interesting thing to us about Cayce’s long road trip was that he had a flat tire nearly every day. He was constantly frustrated by how often had to stop, change the tire and then start again. It tempted him to give up and return home. On the other hand, he may have seen the improbability of this degree of interference as a sign that mystery was really in play. Whenever the light and joy come knocking on your door, the dark and bitter are sure to follow and compete for your attention. He and Hastings drove on.
You, too, will face many flat tires and the crossroads that come with each of them—whether to retreat or discipline yourself to advance. Each day the ingredients must be gathered and the wheel formed and turned again. The more frustration you meet can be countered with more determination to honor the road, whether you feel like it or not. Bow before the highway and then get on with it.
After arriving and finding the stones, their lives were transformed. Lying down on the ground near the mine and holding the lapis electricus, Edgar Cayce had the most profound and lucid visions of his life—something not revealed until many years after his death. The young man named T. Mitchell Hastings even met his future wife in a waking vision and Cayce met his mother who returned to earth.
She told him not to worry anymore and handed him that silver dollar that had no date or mark of the treasury mint. Cayce and his traveling companion never looked back and returned home renewed and ready to pursue their life missions. The younger man pursued the advanced technological use of crystals and the older man got to work tapping into the library of Akashic records where mystical knowledge is held, everything from medical information to unknown history and future possibilities.
Cayce kept the trip a secret and while he later recommended that some clients use a “lapis linguis” or another stone, he left it wobbly which exact stone he was referring to. Was it azurite with green color mixed with blue like what is found in Bisbee and Nogales, Mexico, or was it the deep blue, purer lapis lazuli found in the oldest mines in the world like those in Afghanistan and Iran? Sometimes he said the stone was blue and at other times green—it kept changing the more he referred to it. Let’s say that his lapis is exactly like our mystery bowl that arrived in vision when the Guild season began, with light grey coloration and then passed through the Zsolnay iridescent glow of both green and blue.
One more thing—Cayce cautioned others about using this stone, saying that it was only intended to be used by spiritual practitioners who were advanced. Even then, its overuse could cause damage of the etheric shield and aura. We recommend not being too literal and to keep this advice in the middle wobble.
Should I Procure a Magical Stone?
If you lean toward believing you need the lapis electricus, it’s likely better for you to not obtain one. Or, at the most, write down its name and keep moving its location on your altar. If, on the other hand, you are more inclined to not be drawn to materiality, as is the case for us, you may benefit from procuring an actual stone. That’s what we did.
At the end of each day and night, bow before the mystery that this teaching and its implicit direction for action. Honor the lapis electricus within, the sacred vibration held in the hands of little me. When you own it, higher guidance will come through if and only if you get big me out of the interfering way. For better conductance and to find your special calling, follow the conductors whose train keeps stopping to change a tire so others who never got on before may now board and start all over again. All aboard, this car is bound for Bisbee, Arizona and all stops in between on the First Creation highway.
When you arrive in the vast field where lapis electricus has been awakened by the heavenly sunshine, make sure that you do more than hold the rock—free your body to rock with its piezoelectric vibe. This dynamic marks the difference between the static and the ecstatic nature of pressure-packed crystalline lattices. When the noun and verb of “rock” wobble as a contrarian oscillation, the empty bowl is able to receive the sacred vibration and hear the mystery signal.
-The Keeneys, November 27, 2020