The Art of the Double Wobble. And How to Not Feel Anxious When Flying
If you’ve been following along this summer, you know the last three essays have all been about two-ness: two rhythms and prayers, two colors of red, and two floors of your spiritual life. Here is another visionary report that brings a double teaching for the two of you.
Brad dreamed we were flying in an airplane. A young woman who is a longtime member of the Sacred Ecstatics Guild was across the aisle sitting by herself:
As the plane began to experience turbulence, Hillary taught the woman how to perform the seiki exercise while being in synch with the plane’s bouncing movement. This is actually a practice I taught Hillary in the past to help quell her flight anxiety. The seiki exercise activates spontaneous body movement that is extremely effective in interrupting anxiety of any kind. The usual approach of countering physical, emotional, or mental turbulence with stillness or calming techniques typically creates a backfire; the more you try to resist or control the disturbance, the more anxious and panicked you feel. Seiki movement makes use of the body’s natural propensity to join with rather than resist life’s shifting currents and sudden, unexpected rumbles.

As we all performed seiki movement on the plane, I heard a voice speak: “Turbulence provides a master class in learning the double wobble.” After the flight became smooth again, we gave the woman a transmission of the sacred vibration. We did so in the way Kalahari Bushmen often transmit n/om, with two hands each administering different rhythmic pulses—one steady and the other irregular. The voice spoke again, “This is the double wobble.”
We then administered a variety of double vibrational interventions. The sacred vibration elicited in the vision would be physically impossible in waking life. It was a transmission of super-amplified, doubled and quadrupled seiki or n/om whose force multiplied as it was shared. We witnessed our friend’s body turn into a purely luminous form with dots of concentrated n/om shooting up her spine as her heart radiated joyful n/om in every direction.

The dream shifted to a laboratory where we were taught that the base of the spine and the heart are misunderstood and exaggerated as important “energy centers,” “psychic organs,” or “chakras” (along with other presumed energy locales that are mostly along the spine). The teacher’s voice said, “Pay attention to the vibration and not its physical location. The vibration is from First Creation—it is the movement of ‘the changing.’ The body sites are Second Creation names that, if over emphasized or concretized, inhibit the vibratory life force from full circulation and amplification.”

A Double Teaching
Brad’s dream brought two lessons:
1. Effective transformational work requires two vibrational dynamics: a steady beat vibration and a syncopated, offbeat vibration. Each vibration activates, alters, and amplifies the other. Seiki or n/om is awakened when you oscillate between these two different rhythmic vibrations, like the steady soar of a plane in flight that meets unexpected interrupts of turbulent air. When we move with rather than resist the wobble, seiki increases. This is the vibrational equivalent of climbing the rope to God—rocking back and forth from one vibrational pulse to another enables the rise.

2. Administering two varying vibrations at two different body locations can help send their potent, combined vibration through the heart. The base of the spine and the heart together form a classic body pairing for holding these duo vibrations. In the Kalahari there is another important body configuration where a vibrating hand is placed on the back behind the heart and the other hand is placed on the chest over the heart.
It matters little whether the two vibrations are administered to the base of the spine and the heart, anywhere on the bottom of the spine and the top of the head or neck, or behind and in front of the heart itself. When you administer two kinds of rhythmic vibration to two different locations, with one near the heart or the two forming a line that crosses it, you conduct the Sacred Ecstatics double wobble. It’s the surest, oldest means of amplifying sacred emotion, opening the heart, exciting the body, focusing the mind, and igniting the soul.
Welcoming the Wobble
The double wobble applies to more than sharing the sacred vibration of seiki or n/om. It also refers to the back-and-forth movement between your “little me” and “big me,” the automatic spiritual body and purposeful physical body, respectively. Your spiritual temperature will rise and fall, the room will expand and shrink, and the weather of your moods will change throughout the day. You already know that, but if you’re like us you often slip back into the habit of acting as if you can create a singular stability out of an inevitable double wobbility. If you try to stop the wobble through cognitive means, life will feel more like a constant bracing and stubborn resistance against turbulence than an improvised ride on the jazz of a seiki wind instrument in flight.

You might as well embrace the fact that you will also oscillate between forgetting and remembering to enact the double wobble. Similarly, you will alternate between denying and accepting that trickster invented the mind’s static conception of perfection, enlightenment, and pure spontaneity that is absent of imperfection, disillusion, and purposeful performance. Rejecting the wobbliness of your multi-leveled and two-sided natural condition, however, eradicates the dynamic difference needed for a vibrant life. The twin sides of every quality and dimension of you must be co-present for the double wobble to deliver its resuscitation and transformation.

Sacred Ecstatics is all about activating and sharing the sacred vibration, mediated through the double wobble found in you, others, and the divine. Get aligned with god—both of them. Trickster below and the Creator on high will go back and forth between keeping you in sync and throwing you off the other’s track. This higher double wobble requires you be ready to stay steady on the straight and narrow climb, but also welcome being tossed about by the shifting rhythms and ecstatic winds.
In other words, wobble between double trouble and double joy—this is how heaven and earth shake you into absorbing the shared vibration of jubilation so you can fly with the seiki wind beneath your spiritual wings. The double wobble gets you out of the small bottle to head full throttle to the colossal and ecstatically non-docile upper room.
-The Keeneys, August 19, 2019. Sketches by Hillary Keeney