The Samurai Sword is Received:
A Pre-Pandemic Visionary Report

This vision came down the day before a group of Guild members came to New Orleans during the month of February 2020. We gathered every afternoon to spiritually cook and ended the month by celebrating Mardi Gras together. Just a couple weeks later, the whole country shut down because of the pandemic and we have been living cloistered for ten months.

The idea to have a month-long Sacred Ecstatics carnival cookout came to us spontaneously in October 2019 after a dream. We are so glad we followed our noses and jumped in, because just after Mardi Gras last year all our work with the Guild moved to the virtual realm. That has proven to be extraordinarily rewarding! After all, maintaining a strong relationship to the world of spirit requires establishing a palpable, emotional connection to that which we cannot see or touch with everyday senses.

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The night before we began, Brad specifically prayed for help from Osumi Sensei, asking for the physical strength to endure the month and for all the work that would follow. Brad fell asleep and entered into a visionary dream:

Hillary and I were in the center of downtown Toronto and were crossing the main intersection. There was huge crane right next to us, in the center where the streets crossed. Looking above we saw a gigantic metal sculpture swinging in the air. We watched it lowered to the ground and anchored to a base. We were shocked that the workers had not blocked us from crossing because the heavy metal object was directly above our heads, creating a dangerous situation.

Before I could make any objection, my attention became totally riveted on the sculpture. It was a colossal samurai sword the size of a skyscraper. It was the largest outdoor sculpting I had ever seen. The base allowed it to swing its curved blade through the air so it could move in all directions depending on how the wind blew. The wind was blowing that moment and the sword was moving all around in the air. We were standing at the base in the middle of this whole dream scene.

I was filled with so much energy that it is impossible to explain the feeling. I wondered whether I had become as strong as Samson. I remembered feeling this kind of strength years ago when I conducted life force demonstrations in Toronto. In fact, the Canadian National Broadcasting network filmed and aired this ecstatic work back then.

Drawing of Brad’s vision of Sister Gertrude Morgan from fall 2019 that encouraged us to host the February 2020 gathering.

I woke up and jumped out of bed. I felt I was twenty-one years old. The strength received during the night sustained itself all day. I was shown where to turn for guidance and any needed seiki, n/om, and higher life force power. The ancestors of Sacred Ecstatics have brought the moving blade of the largest sword made of the strongest steel. It is found at the intersection where the main roads cross.

-The Keeneys, February 1, 2020, updated February 1, 2021.

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