The Sacred Ecstatics Reset
The Sacred Ecstatics Reset recharges your creative life force, restarts your ecstatic heartbeat, installs new headlights,
rewires your relational connections, and launches an electric action plan for change.
Together, we welcome whatever the source-and-force of creation has in store for you, whether it’s a non-ordinary suggestion that shakes up everyday stagnation, a here-and-now sonic blast that releases the past, or a tectonic theatrical shock that wakes up your connection to the ineffable. As the room comes alive with surprise and wonder, something mysterious and beyond comprehension reaches down to work on you.
We begin with a different kind of conversation that sweeps away psychology to make room for spiritual electricity. Next, we activate the ecstatic dynamics of transformation that immerse you further into the current of exhilarating change. Here we utilize emotion, sound, and motion rather than interpretation to turn the wheels of transformation. Finally, you are sent home with a fresh prescription for sustaining the changes that have been unleashed.