Our Favorite Stories This Year:
Teachings from 2021
Though a new year is about to begin, we’re actually in the middle of our Guild “year” which launches annually every fall. Since October marks the beginning of our Act 1, January propels us into Act 2 — the wonderful wobble between before and after. Every year at this time we feel ready to shift gears and let some change in, which we’re about to do next month. The Guild doesn’t yet know what’s coming! We don’t fully know, either. We only know how we’ll begin, and whatever comes after that will be a surprise to us all. As we have learned, life holds more creative freedom (and hope, forgiveness, space) when you regard everything as a middle.
To mark the end of the current middle known as 2021, we’re looking back at some of our favorite teachings that came down the pipeline this past year. A special thank you to the Guild and all the Sacred Ecstatics enthusiasts far and wide for sharing this beautiful and mysterious corner of the cosmos with us. And to God, the Gods, and the Odds for seeing us through. We all have so little time left – let’s cook like there’s no tomorrow!

would be impossible to stop.
Here’s the recap:
We began 2021 by discovering a handy device for converting mind gas into heart fuel. Then we uncovered the meaning of a word Brad dreamed in 1990 when his vision of a turtle totem granted him access to the Aboriginal keepers of the Dreamtime in Australia. Thirty years later it led us to the headwaters of the original river from which all spiritual wisdom flows. Taking a swim in this “Wigram Stream” taught us that numi are everywhere, but not everyone notices they are there. So we went looking for numi on a twelve-day Mystery Safari and landed in a goofy loopy that brought us the song, “I’m sitting on top of the world…” But a birds-eye view does not guarantee clarity of direction, so a vision arrived to teach that sound rather than sight can help us get found in the night. We followed the ring of the ever-peal and it reminded us that life and death are a matter of electricity. So get your daily ratio right and never stop reaching for the big room. You’ll know when you’ve arrived at the field of dreams because the big room will appear as a baseball diamond in the sky.
However, the most important news from 2021 may be that there is a river! The Guild is learning to walk on water (borrowing some heard-earned lessons from the tumultuous life of the famous seer, Edgar Cayce.) How do we find our way to the river? The Kalahari elders know it’s far better to journey on a song than remain stuck in a story. So from now on we’re traveling in reverse to erase the curse of conscious mind. As a teacher, healer, or parent you cannot enter the reality of another person to help them change and grow. All you can do is put their boxed-in world on wheels and move it around so they catch the feeling for a vaster universe beyond. Listen! A voice just spoke, “We will give you the secret to understanding the natural unfolding of a human being’s life mission. It is held in one word: creode.”
To fulfill your creode and bring the music back to life you must connect the dots and catch the shape of a boulder. That’s what jazz pianist Chick Corea taught us in a master class on the other side. Still, it can feel difficult to find the wild in a landscape so cluttered with big-box stores and cell towers. But nature is still alive, and so are you. Whenever you feel overwhelmed by all the ugliness in the world, remember: Only look at the stream. Stare until you hear it sing.
We wish all of you a happy and healthy new year! And look out for our announcement in January about next year’s new Guild season which will begin in fall 2022.
The Keeneys
We published two new books this year – a record of visionary teachings and the full story of the entire Guild season from 2019-2020. Enjoy!
December 30, 2021