The Mystical Methane Converter:
Converting Mind Gas Into Heart Fuel

Brad recently dreamed that he met one of our long time Guild members, Lance, in an advanced laboratory:

I had been tinkering in the lab before Lance arrived. There was an assortment of small pipes strewn about the table, along with an unusual looking little box that had not quite been fully assembled. As soon as Lance walked into the room, I greeted him and announced, “You think too much. All that thought produces too much methane and makes your thinking foggy. Let’s build you a methane converter.” Lance scanned all the parts on the table and immediately knew how to connect the pipes.

In a split second the methane converter with its new pipeline had been installed within Lance’s First Creation body. “Let’s try it out, Lance,” I said with excitement. Then I requested, “Please explain the difference between Dr. Krishna and Dr. Jesus,” hoping to get his brain to kick into overtime. Instantly, Lance expounded on their similarities and differences, along with historical and cultural comparisons.

As the methane built up within him, I took a match and lit it near Lance’s throat. A fire came out of his mouth and a song was heard in the background, sung by a choir. In that moment Lance received a main pipeline for delivering the fuel needed to set a holy fire in his throat. Those flames musically ignited the atmosphere to convey the old hymn, “Where He Leads Me, I Will Follow.”

Our minds and our hearts soaked in the emotion and wonder of this multifaceted gift. The ecstatic bliss made us feel like eternal brothers, a blend of children and elders eager to keep tinkering in the laboratory of Sacred Ecstatics spirituality.

An image of the mystical methane converter after it has been lit.

During the dream and afterwards, Brad felt nothing silly about the visionary adventure. His focus was riveted on the serious experimentation of two nerds tinkering with a new way of connecting body parts and aligning their functions. In the dream Brad and Lance felt they were on the edge of making an important spiritual-somatic breakthrough—discovering that the heart’s emotion and the mind’s thoughts must work cooperatively, with a pipeline connecting them both.

Climbing the ladder to sacred ecstasy is not a matter of leaving thoughts behind to solely embrace emotion. The mind must work even harder, concentrating on sacred thoughts, to produce the fuel for the ecstatic-somatic fire. In addition, the heart must be an empty bowl ready to receive this fuel, vigorously pumping with excitement to bring the methane down.

Yet more is involved than the duo of mind and heart and the alignment of thought and emotion. It is in the middle organ, the vocal cords, where vibrating wobble is found and the fire is lit. When this whole trinity of body parts work together, sacred fire shoots out of the mouth when it is ignited. That is when the music can be heard.

The shaman’s song is preceded by the throat’s fire, something mystically made possible by the methane gas line connecting the mind to the heart. When the fire is lit, the atmosphere, or the celestial spheres, perform the singing. The mind’s methane production, the heart’s emotion circulation, and the vocal vibration’s flammable projection work together to wake up God’s song.

It was only later that Brad remembered that methane and body gas pass the kind of wind that evokes both embarrassment and hilarity. We later discovered that it is well known among traditional Chinese doctors that too much thinking produces flatulent weather that makes the mind foggy. It is equally well known that a veteran pipe man knows what to do with gas—send it down a pipeline and convert it into energy that powers another kind of expression.

The alchemical embodiment of this Sacred Ecstatics transformation requires your having an ecstatic conversion. This, in turn, turns sulfurous mind gas into the sweet redemptive sound of numinous fire, conveyed by a heavenly song. The altar call is now in play—come receive the spiritual operation that installs a pipeline from your mind to your heart. In the middle is found the methane converter—the anointed voice box that is ready to spring into singing the refrain that rides the glory train!

Be appreciative of your trickster mind gas; it’s not solely a laughing matter. It, too, is a part of what it takes to ecstatically launch a song, dance, and hoofer rocket to the heavens. 1, 2, 3, send the sacred emotion to your head. 3, 2, 1, send the methane fuel to your heart. In the middle, your voice ignites the answer to the riddle of the Sphinx in the wobble of the larynx. We celebrate the multi-wonders of this splendid spiritual gift. This is what it means to catch a song that longs for sacred ecstasy.

Here is the song that was heard in the vision:

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