Making Your Body a Home for the Spirits:
A Balinese Spirit Acting Lesson
Welcome to the 10th installment of our
Summer Camp News Bulletin.
As you know, we have been conducting a series of “experiments” this summer — mystical tasks or rituals that come down the visionary pipeline. Recently we launched an experiment in which we invited the primary spirit critters from our summer camp – two bears, a mare, and George Gershwin’s dog, Tony – to inhabit our hands and arms in a kind of numinous, spirit-led puppet show. This was all performed to sacred songs we have dreamed over the years.
All this may sound a bit nonsensical or absurd, and that certainly is one important ingredient in any exercise of spiritual transformation. If it makes too much sense or doesn’t invite you to act differently, it is not spiritually potent. However, there is more to this kind of body-puppet-spirit-song performance than theatrical play. To learn more about how some traditions regard the art of spirit occupation, we consulted the big god of the balians.
Making the Body a Home for the Spirits
Brad became a balian (traditional shaman and healer) in Bali and is one of the few people alive today to have met, been “approved” for spirit occupancy, and then formally initiated by the big god of the balians. This was confirmed by the leading elder balians throughout the island, including those who supervised his initiation on an island where the big god is believed to live.**
From time to time, this god or one of its relations comes to teach Sacred Ecstatics through Brad, though we usually don’t mention when this is taking place. Recently one night, the big Balinese god made a house call to our summer camp with a spirit acting lesson for each of you:
For some spiritually chosen people in Bali, the body is the home for a spirit or many spirits. For example, our traditional dancers have different spirits residing in different parts of their body. When some or all of them are awakened, those parts of the body become spiritually animated. Here you see the trembling associated with a spiritual performance, especially in the fingers, hands, arms and legs. The dancer then feels multiple non-ordinary experiences happening at the same time.
First, each body part becomes the inhabited physical form for the spirit to express its numinously energized movement. Second, each body part feels like a puppet whose strings are pulled by a god. Thirdly, the performance becomes more spontaneous and beyond personal control the more the spirit takes over the body.
This kind of spirited performance doesn’t happen overnight. It takes many years of hard work and practice to learn the fundamentals of movement technique in order to make the body a flexible, nonresistant medium for spirit occupation. When the body temple is clean, clear, and changeable, the spirits decide whether to enter for a brief visit, to permanently move in, and to awaken and perform.
The initiated dancer lives with two bodies — one technically prepared by training and the other directed by the spirited force behind nature’s creation, destruction, and recreation. In a dance, these double bodies may dance successively or at the same time. Their different rhythms and movements are aligned with the melodic tones and rhythms of our traditional gamelan orchestra. The music and dance are co-aligned to bring more energy than either art form alone can capture and convey.

Another sacred art in Bali is Wayang, our shadow puppet theatre. A puppeteer also goes through great training and, when they are ready to have the spirit animate how they hold the puppet, an initiation commences. A special trunk with magical puppets is presented to the initiate. The puppets sleep inside this trunk and must be awakened before a performance. The initiation instills the puppeteer with the mystical key that wakes his puppets up whenever he opens the trunk.
Here the spirit comes into the puppet as well as the puppeteer’s hands and arms. The performance involves the spirit occupying both performers — one made of flesh and the other of leather. Traditionally a performance lasts from midnight to dawn with the audience watching on both sides of the screen. The puppeteer, called a dalang, is considered both an artist and spiritual conductor. This role is chosen by the gods who ask the elder dalangs to invite the next initiate to step into the lineage.
The master balian is the supreme example of a body instrument chosen for spirit occupancy. How many spirits, ancestors, or gods occupy a body is chosen by the mysterious forces that are beyond human understanding. You also cannot choose to fulfill this role and you cannot call the spirits to come at your whim and desire.
The spirits and the anointed roles just come. Some human beings come into this world with a destiny to house spirited performing and its soulful emotional conveyance. The balian conductors are a special breed of followers — they follow higher conducting. Be assured, however, that the spirit wants every body to prepare for a spirit visitation, whether while sleeping or awake. Whether you drive a taxi, steam a fish, dance, or sing, your performance only comes to spiritual life when the spirit enters the flesh, blood, bones, tones, and sweat.

The gods of Bali are fascinated to experiment with everyone in the Sacred Ecstatics summer camp. We can now announce that we are partly behind your summer camp theatre production. It has led to this moment. It is time to make a mid-summer shift and start seriously respecting and fulfilling the instructions given to you.
Those summer camp critters are not fantasy flights of a playwright’s imagination. They are spirit forms meant to occupy your everyday altar. They need to be cared for, fed your attention, and brought into your mind and heart. Next, the enactment of these characters by your body parts brings you into the mysterious performance secrets of Bali, Africa, the Caribbean, old Japan, New Orleans, and other places that host ecstatic mystical lineages. You are practicing this theatrical exercise to make yourself fit to adopt another character. This, in turn, makes you readier to be adopted by the spirit behind it.
When the spirit comes into the character you are enacting, whether it’s a bear, Tony, the mare, or anything else, your body part will spontaneously tremble. The seiki switch, as Osumi Sensei calls it, is then turned on. We simply say that the spirit is making a house call to your fingers, hands, arms, or whatever other parts are chosen as the vessel for a Sacred Ecstatics performance.

Follow your conductors and their instructions, for they are leading you to the big room where spirits wait to adopt those who have cleared trickster resistance, choosing to long for the occupancy of extreme love no matter its transient form. This love, as you were previously taught, is unconditional. To make it more than mere lip service, enact unconditional applause for all that mystery brings. Somatically receive rather than conceptually sift through, sort, and evaluate these gifts. Own them by feeling what cannot be known. The numinous show can only be shown when big me steps out of the way for little me to take the stage.
Spirit Puppet Psalm
Mental resistance is trickster impedance to mystery conductance.
A high wire performance needs an awakened character to come through.
Be the Tony award winning audience for a spirit’s show.
Applaud and laud even what disturbs or perturbs.
This is how the spirit shakes and shakes up the settled mind.
Flexibility of body movement and mental movement are the dancing pair.
Let the body lead, but only if spirit is leading.
Let the spirit lead, but only if the body is following.
Let the mind follow the spirited body.
The muse and fuse are born of surprise.
Nothing else gives ecstatic rise so the heart can venture over the head.
Band the eyes of big me observing to hear the soulful band blow its horn
Invite, welcome, house, and be a gracious host to the characters of summer camp.
Your body wants to feel the critters, the four compass directions, the cabin, the lake, and the entire campground.
Don’t solely think but soulfully enact what it means to lean toward wobbling mystery.
Have a ball enacting the balian way.
It’s a mission impossible,
But with spirit, anything improbable becomes truly possible.
As long as the traveled way follows ancient instruction rather than new-fangled reduction.
The mystical characters want you to play their parts with your body parts.
Take it seriously as long as you can readily laugh
Whenever a feather, tear, or raised arm drops,
To open the door with a prayer key,
And dance the pentadic night away.
This is how you pray yourself into the middle wobble
Between the everyday and non-ordinary mystical play.
-The Keeneys, August 2, 2020
Listen to Brad blend sounds with a traditional Balinese gamelan orchestra.
**To read more about Brad’s experience and the balians he met during his time there see Balians: Traditional Healers of Bali.