Honoring the Ancestors, Honoring the Lineage Rope

Dreams of Seiki Jutsu Transmission and Teachers Bring a Lesson on How to Honor All the Links in the Chain Through Which Wisdom is Passed

Several years ago, a member of the Sacred Ecstatics Guild from Budapest received seiki in a dream. Transmission came to her in the form of a samurai sword that swallowed her whole and made her feel inseparable from the seiki wind. We presented her account in the first volume of Climbing the Rope to God:

I had a dream last night that I was walking around the city center. I passed by a park when I suddenly stopped and saw a brown blanket on the ground. When I stepped closer, I saw a black samurai sword lying on the blanket. No one was near it, so I wanted to look around and see if someone was selling it. To my surprise, I wasn’t able to move. My movement was frozen as if I was paralyzed and could only stand staring at the sword. I felt something in my stomach and in an instant the sword inhaled me. I was swallowed by that sword and disappeared. I was like a wind. I woke up and my whole body was shaking. I felt warmth on my spine and was so disoriented that I had to vomit three times. All day I was dizzy and could not get a song out of my head. Two days later, the song hasn’t gone away and I can’t get over what happened.

Recently we received word from her that a samurai ancestor came back in a dream, as if to check on her progress with seiki:

I dreamed last night that five to six men dressed in suits came to our home in Budapest. These men opened the garden gate and brought a big round, wooden table into the garden and placed it under our balcony. The table was low and was set with a snow-white tablecloth. Many small bowls arrived that were filled with sushi, wasabi, and other delicious Japanese snacks. I was walking around the table and asked the men who they were. They replied, “We work for the Japanese embassy.” Many other people arrived that I didn’t know. They sat down on the grass and started to eat.

I then noticed a man dressed in black who was standing six to seven meters away from me. He stood on the spot where I planted blue hydrangeas when my grandmother died almost six years ago. The following year these same flowers turned pink and since then they still have pink flowers every summer. The man in black stood on that same spot and winked at me while also casting a severe look. Then he slowly turned his head so I could see his shiny black tiny bun and know he was a samurai from the 19th century.

The dreamed men dressed in suits are trickster forms we have seen in many visionary classrooms. They are there to distract you from a strict focus on the main rope. In contrast, the samurai and his sword point to the seiki jutsu lineage rope of Sacred Ecstatics, blocking any distracting fascination with Japanese exoticism. He is the ambassador of seiki jutsu rather than a worker from the Japanese embassy. It is important to emphasize that this 19th century pointer is standing on true ancestral ground, the site of flowers planted to honor a dear grandmother who had a strong rope to God. Follow the rope, not the robe.

Another Visionary Encounter with Seiki

The same day we heard about the woman’s previous dream, we also received a report from another Sacred Ecstatics Guild member. He described a mysterious experience he had not previously shared with us:

I didn’t report this to you because, but it was among the most, if not the most out-of-the-ordinary experiences I’ve ever had. Some months ago, when I was visiting my parents, I was shocked awake to find a robed person in the room in which I was sleeping. He came very close to me. I could not see a face, just the outline of a kimono with a blue and white floral design.

I was extremely frightened and received no assurance from the presence that all was well. It didn’t feel malevolent, but it was extremely stern in a way I have never experienced. I sat straight up and turned on the light. My body was shaking, not like a dog but like a vibrator. It felt like a bell was being rung over and over and the transmission was moving towards my head but seemed to miss the very middle of me. It was terrifying and I begged it to stop. It tapered off after a while as I resisted every moment of it. I am disappointed that I fought receiving this gift.

One of the lineages of Sacred Ecstatics is the Japanese non-subtle energy practice of seiki jutsu. Its greatest practitioner was Ikuko Osumi, Sensei, and she was a spiritual mother to Brad. She also legally and spiritually authorized him to supervise the lineage’s teaching after she passed. Her ancestry includes a revered Japanese saint who is enshrined in a Shinto temple on Mount Maki, Eizon Hoin, whose grandfather was the famous samurai warrior, Katsumoto Katagiri (1556–1615), one of the Seven Spears of Shizugatake.

Over the decades, we have been visited by Osumi, Sensei and her ancestors in a variety of forms They bring medicine, advice, and seiki. Coming down our numinous rope that is plugged into the other side, they sometimes visit our relations in the Sacred Ecstatics community.

Seiki is unquestionably non-subtle; it can feel like it’s more than you are able to take in. It is nothing like reiki or other “non-subtle energy” practices. You have no doubt that seiki has touched you—most folks automatically resist it in some kind of way, whether tensing up, becomimg temporarily nauseous, or passing out. That’s natural and if you are left shaking afterwards, know that seiki got through. If seiki arrives, it will accomplish its mission in spite of how you respond.

There are times when these ancestors ask us to administer seiki to others during a visionary dream. When this occurs, we sometimes tell the person afterwards and at other times we do not. It is no surprise that after we send seiki, while either awake or dreaming, we hear from that person the next day. They may report receiving seiki, n/om, or the holy spirit (again, different words for the same energetic sacred vibration) from us, one of our ancestors, or an unexpected form, object, or force. Of course, there are times when seiki is received by others and it is accomplished completely outside our conscious awareness.

Another Seiki Transmission Dream

The day after hearing both of these seiki reports, Brad prayed for holy sunshine and rain to fall upon all the mystical seed gardens currently planted by the Sacred Ecstatics community.* He envisioned the beginning of germination and witnessed the blossoming that would come through in the future. Later in a dream, Brad gave seiki to one of our Guild members:

I placed my hands on her and then we vibrantly hugged and shook. She was at first delighted and then started to feel confused because she was not prepared for the intensity and complex range of emotion seiki can evoke. I gave as much of the sacred vibration that her body could handle before her confused mind could object or reject it. I then walked out of the room and turned to say, with a serious tone, “Yes, you are confused. Hold on to the fuse and let go of any con that tries to consciously convince you that this should be understood. Light the fuse; drop the con.”

“Seiki Jutsu” translates as “the art of the vital life force.” Calligraphy by Osumi, Sensei.

It does not matter whether you fight and resist a transmission, feel sick in your tummy, or are confused by all the sensation and emotion evoked. Furthermore, what you think happened may not be what seiki actually did. Seiki knows exactly what dose is right for you, and whether it should be noticed, unnoticed, or over-noticed. However, it is always softening you to make you more ready to later better receive and hold it. More than getting a one-time fill up, you must learn how to nourish it before advancing into any means of sharing it with others. The latter should be supervised by a seiki master, and you will not know at first how seiki will use you. You may be led to bake a tasty seiki cakie or tell a hilarious seiki jokie. Or you may spontaneously shake hands with others in a way that creatively changes the room. It’s up to the wisdom of the seiki-filled rope, not your individual will.

Everything Comes through the Rope

The seiki samurai are amidst us. They come through the lineage rope that connects all the transmitters that were chosen for each generation. It is our anointed relationship with Osumi, Sensei that brings accessible relations to the Japanese seiki masters of long ago who come through the veil when it is decided on high that it is time to extend the threads. Whenever we meet one of these ancestors in the night, we honor each of the generational wisdom carriers that make seiki passage able to come through the ages.

We bow before Osumi, Sensei, her Aunt Hayashibe, their ancestor Eizon Hoin whose snake kami (spirit) lives in Brad’s belly like it once did for Osumi, Sensei, and the fierce shogun who is the seiki grandfather of them all, Katsumoto Katagiri. The rope is the line of anointed teachers that extend from one generation to another. If you meet Osumi, Sensei or an old samurai relative of hers in the night, you are also meeting us and every other member of the seiki lineage whose seiki, rope, and transmission operate in the interlinked changing forms of First Creation. Hello seiki! Seiki is here with its samurai swords, wisdom winks, fierce glances, pointing stances, and energy lances.  

Honor the Whole Rope

Whenever you are touched by ineffable mystery in the Sacred Ecstatics big room, honor the rope that brought it down. It is the lineage holding all the interlinked ancestors from past to the present. Don’t cut out one ancestor or prefer only to be associated with a few and forget the others, or else you risk dropping the rope that is made of them all. As the Bushmen elders say, the rope is every ancestral healer (n/om-kxao) holding onto the closest teacher who came before. Thank you to every ancestral teacher, transmitter, and Sacred Ecstatics conductor, all the way back to the original carriers of utmost ecstasy and supreme electricity.

We have met old samurai in our dreams and afterwards we make sure to first thank Osumi, Sensei and then all the linked ancestors who connect us to that elder. Old school wisdom throughout the world knows that you do not directly make contact with a holy ancestor on your own. You begin by going through someone else’s relationship. All our relations are needed to bring mystery down the pipeline. In other words, it is never one teacher, ancestor, fantasized indigenous healer, faraway shaman, or long ago saint that delivers the numinous goods. It is the rope that begins with whoever you met whose anointment is tied and bound into the sacred rope.

“Thank you to every ancestral teacher, transmitter,
and Sacred Ecstatics conductor, all the way back
to the original carriers of utmost ecstasy and supreme electricity.”

Let us uphold the whole rope and hold back cutting out any preferred name, particular knot, partial braid, or singular thread. All the lineage strands equally host the ecstatic bands that sing and dance a community into becoming an interlinked ecology where one for all and all for one reign over favored parts that miss the whole of everlasting and always shocking holiness.

Ikuko Osumi Sensei seiki jutsu
Osumi Sensei

As Brad sang in one of our musical podcasts last year, “These ropes, these ropes are not ordinary ropes.” Sacred Ecstatics holds the numinous luminous electrical rope that is found missing in many corners of the world today. Honor it before losing your grip with a memory slip that forgets that no place or person comes before the thread, string, cord, and rope to the Creator. Trickster points you toward the Forgetter who dismembers rather than remembers the whole mainline. Avoid every cut of knowing whose cost is mystery lost. Serve the empty teacup rather than the full dining bowls.

-The Keeneys, January 21, 2020

*This year we are conducting experiments in planting mystical prayer seeds.

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