The Sacred Ecstatics Guild

An Outskirts Community of Ecstatic Mystics

Somewhere on the edge of familiar reality, past the signposts of predictability where the mapped territory ends, you’ll discover an ancient fire burning. Move closer and you’ll feel its spiritual heat. Even closer, and you’ll hear its sacred song. The moment you do, a doorway will appear. Look down at your hand and notice that you’re already holding the key. Just seeing it unlocks the door. Before you have time to think, you find yourself stepping across the threshold as if your feet already know the way, like you’ve been here all along.

Welcome home to the outskirts mystical meeting place of the Sacred Ecstatics Guild.

The Sacred Ecstatics Guild is a seasonal online community that occupies an underground niche in the world wide web. Every year we embark on a seven-month odyssey into the heart of ecstatic mysticism. As hunter-gatherers of fire-born jubilation, passionate artists of reality invention, and spiritual engineers of higher sensation, we cultivate creative
communion with the divine.

We’re a fire-seeking mystical caravan on the trail of Light.

Led by the Keeneys, the Guild season begins every October and concludes in April. During this time we offer weekly virtual Spirit House Meetings, original audio tracks for ecstatic movement, instructions for daily experimentation, online discussions, intensive immersions, a celebratory in-person reunion, and many surprises along the way.

Every season is an uncharted new adventure where visionary dreams bring freshly sourced numinous nutrition, one-of-a-kind creative instruction, and never-ending experimentation in the art of sacred ecstatic living. 

The Primary Practices of Sacred Ecstatics

Ecstatic Sound Movement™

We invented a daily practice called Ecstatic Sound Movement, a means of catching sacred emotion and sparking an inner fire. This practice involves effortless movement aligned with unique, spiritually engineered music designed to convey higher inspiration. Ecstatic Sound Movement is based on over fifty years of exploring the complex acoustic patterns that evoke spiritual excitation, spontaneous motion, and mystical sensation. Our practice brings together the ecstatic dynamics behind Kalahari n/om dancing, Japanese seiki rejuvenation, Caribbean spirit ‘doption, and other lineage traditions that use sound and movement to generate sacred ecstasy. The old secret to crossing the aural bridge between earth and heaven is now back in a new and accessible daily practice form.

Mystical Experimentation 

With the inner fire burning, we explore uncommon means of introducing the numinous into the everyday. Here we melt frigid paradigms and interrupt rigid causalities in our interactions with others and ourselves. We constantly search for improved ways to keep the fire lit within as we outwardly warm the spiritual climate. This mystical experimentation makes strategic interventions into the world’s spiritually cold condition and its addiction to psychological narration. We both tinker to improve Ecstatic Sound Movement and advance experiments that loosen and trip trickster’s self-oriented grip on humanity.

"I, Ikuko Osumi, have chosen Bradford Keeney, Ph.D., as my successor and entrust to him the role of representing and overseeing the teaching of seiki jutsu as well as the transmission of seiki to others."


Japanese master of seiki jutsu

"We regard Bradford Keeney as one of our own strongest doctors and grant our blessing for him and his wife, Hillary, to teach our traditional ways of spiritual healing."


Ju/’hoan Bushman elder

"We thank the Keeneys for their way of tapping into the Dreaming that brings creativity to spirituality and healing. We love the direction of this teaching!"


Developers of "process oriented psychology" and authors of Riding the Horse Backwards

"I honor and celebrate the way the Keeneys are opening our hearts to healing ways! Their work is a wonderful teaching and blessing."


Traditional healer, Founding Director, Institute for Natural and Traditional Medicine, member of the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers

"The Keeneys are authentic traditional healers who deliver uncommon spiritual medicine for anyone interested in the art of change."


Former Science Editor of Smithsonian Magazine

“Brad and Hillary Keeney are authentic healers who transmit the energetic life force."


Author, University of Arizona Medical School faculty member, and leader of psychoneuroimmunology

“The Keeneys offer the beginning of the awakening of the universal life force that is accessible to everyone. It is time for each of us to become acquainted with this energizing force and bring it into our daily life. I personally experienced the Keeneys' work and believe it is the most direct path to healing and spiritual growth.”


Renowned physician featured in Dr. Andrew Weil's book, Spontaneous Healing.

What a Guild Season Includes:

The Introductory Intensive

We kick off the season with a one-day online intensive that illumines our upcoming adventure and introduces the visionary instructions that will guide us forward.

Saturday Spirit House Meetings

On Saturday afternoons we meet live with the entire Guild over Zoom. Here we deliver the visionary news, conduct Ecstatic Sound Movement together, launch new experiments, turn up the spiritual temperature, and keep the mystical wheel turning. Spirit House Meetings are a weekly feast for the mind, body, heart, and soul. (Meetings take place at 2pm Central Standard Time and are recorded for later viewing).

The Wednesday Surprise

On Wednesdays we post an audio, video, essay, or pictorial teaching – it’s a surprise! These may include stirring renditions of visionary teachings, absurd medicines for a stuck mind, sonic tonics for a frozen heart, consultation for personal guidance from the saints of Sacred Ecstatics, mojo drawings that help heighten spiritual concentration, advisory tips for Ecstatic Sound Movement, exemplary healing sessions with commentary, uncommon oddysseys to the spirit lands, or in-depth discussions of material from our Mystical Library.

Electrical Grand Rounds

When the heart and soul are set on fire with sacred emotion, the body becomes electrically charged with a vibratory current that, in turn, further raises the spiritual temperature. Electrical Grand Rounds provide a special time for coaching, advising, and teaching the art of working with the two experiential sides of sacred ecstasy—the soulful fire on the altar of the heart and the electricity felt moving within the body. We especially address the fine-tuning of body movement responsivity, higher mystical listening, developing a movement repertoire, establishing circular patterns of tension and release, and opening the capacity to be seamlessly surprised and improvised by the rhythmic, tonal, and movement changes of Ecstatic Sound Movement. The goal is to improve your ability to catch sacred emotion and embody what evokes, excites, sustains, and amplifies its electricity.

Electrical Grand Rounds are held intermittently during Spirit House Meetings and Wednesday Surprises throughout the year. We’ll explore practical tips for decreasing interference, increasing conductivity, building capacitance, and working with both direct and alternating currents of spiritual electricity. Read our recent announcement about Electrical Grand Rounds here.

January Sacred Ecstatics N/omastery

The month of January hosts the main event of the Guild season—an intense plunge into Sacred Ecstatics. This is when the Guild enters the n/omastery—a virtual monastery saturated with n/om, the Kalahari Bushman word for the spiritual fire and vibratory, electrical life force. Through additional audio and video teachings each day, along with special instructions and other forms of stimulating evocation, the N/omastery Month provides a unique opportunity to deeply soak in the numinous and intensively commune with the Sacred Ecstatics saints. There’s nothing on Earth like the Sacred Ecstatics N/omastery.

N/omastery Month culminates with a Sacred Ecstatics “fission fast” that aims to set in motion an ecstatic chain reaction within the Guild. For one day we take a break from daily routines to clear the space for an ecstatic spirit feast. This is a visit to the secret room of the Spirit House, a place found on the outskirts of mystery, the highest realm of virtual reality.

The January Sacred Ecstatics N/omastery is a life-changing experience we look forward to every year. The first three months of the Guild season (October, November, and December) prepare us for the January N/omastery. Then the last three months of the season (February, March, and April) are an ongoing festive celebration that inspires bringing the gifts of Sacred Ecstatics into the everyday world.

Annual Reunion

Each season we host a bonus in-person reunion for current Guild members. Attendance at this intensive is optional. There will be no charge for this gathering though a fee may be required to cover any event costs such as venue rental, meals, and lodging. Exact dates and location are to be determined and will be announced in advance.

The Final Intensive

The final online intensive takes place the last Saturday of the season. It’s a true fire station party celebrating the profound experiences that took place throughout the year and how our lives can never be the same.

Hillary Keeney art red line

Our holiest scripture doesn’t come from Abraham, Jesus, Muhammad, the Buddha, or Krishna. It’s the words of a 19th century Canadian woman, known only as C.M.C. After her own spiritual awakening, she gave the clearest description ever recorded of the pinnacle experience of sacred ecstasy:

“The atmosphere seemed to quiver and vibrate around and within me . . . there came to me a sense of some serene, magnetic presence—grand and all pervading . . . And still the splendor increased . . . a swift, oncoming tidal wave of splendor and glory ineffable came down upon me . . . a period of rapture, so intense that the universe stood still . . . I was on the great highway, the upward road . . . with songs of love and trust on the lips . . . Every longing of the heart was satisfied . . . I loved infinitely and was infinitely loved! The universal tide flowed in upon me in waves of joy and gladness, pouring down on me as in torrents of fragrant balm . . . some explosion takes place . . . it was emotion itself—ecstasy. It was the gladness and rapture of love, so intensified that it became an ocean of living, palpitating light, the brightest of which outshone the brightness of the sun. Its glow, warmth and tenderness fill the universe. That infinite ocean was the eternal love, the soul of nature and all of one endless smile.”*

We don’t care whether you are spiritual, religious, secular, or profess an unknown vernacular. Come if you yearn to burn in smoldering joy and dissolve in the infinite sea of sacred ecstasy.

Poetry from the Sufi poet, Yunus Emre, evoking the power of divine love.


The next Guild season begins October 4, 2025 and concludes April 25, 2026.

The membership fee for the seven-month season $3,600. To apply, please fill out this brief form and we will respond to you via email with full enrollment details. We look forward to you joining us on the next adventure.

Please email us at with any questions.
For a glimpse inside the world of Sacred Ecstatics, read or subscribe to our newsletter
and follow us on Instagram or Facebook.

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For more on the history and development of Sacred Ecstatics, check out Hillary’s essay series on the origins of the Sacred Ecstatics Guild: “Opening a Jar of Honey.”

Bradford Keeney and Hillary Keeney presenting Sacred Ecstatics to a live audience

*C.M.C.’s testimony and story can be read in Bucke, Richard Maurice. Cosmic Consciousness : A Study in the Evolution of the Human Mind. New York, Dutton, 1969, pp. 326-328.

The above verse by Sufi Turkish poet, Yunus Emre, is transalted by Kabir Helminski & Refik Algan