An Experiment in Long Distance Transmission

Sending Spiritual Electricity Through the Ropes that Connect Us

One evening Brad closed his eyes and, hearing a song inside, he envisioned transmitting the sacred vibration of n/om to members of the Sacred Ecstatics Experiment. He imagined that his trembling hands were placed on top of each person’s head. The very next day we received this email from England:

Dear Brad and Hillary,
Just waking up this morning. I had a dream last night where I was at a Sacred Ecstatics meeting. In the dream Brad came to me and put his hands on my head and Chris’s head as well. I felt the vibrations strongly. Thank you!
Sending lots of love to you both!

In modern times we have largely lost touch (literally and metaphorically) with the practical art of vibrational transmission. When Brad first met the Kalahari Bushman ecstatics—the original sacred life force transmitters—he discovered they built a life based on experiencing, rather than just conceptualizing, the numinous ropes connecting all living beings. These relational threads enable the sacred vibration to be conveyed to others by someone spiritually cooked and anointed to deliver the n/om nail mail.

Kalahar nail mail delivery
Bushman doctors refer to n/om as coming in the form of nails, arrows, or thorns. In other words, things that can pierce and cross a barrier. N/om is a concentrated mixture of vibration, music, and sacred emotion. Someone can only transmit n/om when they are trembling and singing a song that awakens the heart.

Our Sacred Ecstatics experimental laboratory reaches across the globe, and we’re all doing our best to keep the ancient spiritual electricity humming through the ropes in modern times. We personally have discovered that all our relations are finely tuned and aesthetically enhanced when we concentrate on awakening and feeling this mysteriously pulsed and spontaneously syncopated current. It sets a fire in all tired bones, makes broken hearts sing, and turns lifeless words to soulful tones.

Your ropes go beyond the earth’s horizon; they include the vertical high wire to the supreme God of First Creation dream time, space, and energy. When you pray, make sure you feel the vibrant ray that brings melody rather than ideology. Before you can share any kind of vibration with another human being, you must learn to concentrate on waking up and feeling your musical, emotional, and electrical relationship to the Big Holy. It’s better to sincerely wiggle one finger with full heart and soul than to deadly recite words or think non-musical thoughts. In other words, it takes a non-boring, uncommon creative performance to light up the rope and ignite a healing fire in your heart! Go ahead and bow toward the sky. Hand your head over to God so you can receive the good vibrations from above. Do as it has always been done on the Kalahari dance ground, making earth as rhythmically electric, melodic, and full of n/om as it is in heaven.

Light Transmission into Head

-The Keeneys, October 19, 2019. Illustrations by Hillary Keeney.

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