There is a River:
An Audio Discussion with Hillary & Brad

A shot of us broadcasting live to the Guild from the Spirit House of New Orleans

Hello! It’s February, and we are just emerging from one of the most incredible months of spiritual immersion we have personally experienced: The Guild January N/omastery. Those of you following us on Instagram/Facebook will have seen our various posts about it. If you missed them, here is the gist:

N/omastery month was so powerful, we decided to make it an annual Guild tradition. Speaking of which, we’re pleased to announce that membership for the 2022-2023 Guild Season is now open! We’re filling up fast, but there’s still time to get on board. The season begins October 1, 2022, and all the information can be found here.

As most of you know by now, the Guild begins every fall with new metaphors and teachings that come straight from vision. We follow no static template or rigid form but are born anew each year. This current season began with a vision about meeting the river and walking on water. We recently revisited this brief story and then recorded a spontaneous discussion about it. Our conversation covered everything from being a spiritual janitor to the Wigram Stream, the importance of garlic debris, and more.

Listen below!

We’ll be back soon with more bread from the oven.

Hillary & Brad

February 10, 2022

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