Meeting Your Ancestors in the Mystical Library

A Son Finds His Father on the Other Side

A few days after we posted our essay on visiting the mystical library and Brad’s dream of receiving the visionary book, we received a letter from a dear friend of ours, Michael Vincent:

Hi Brad and Hillary,

I just wanted to briefly share with you a dream I had about the “mystical library” as well. It was a few years after my dad had passed, and it was definitely a dream that felt like far more than a dream.

What I remember is that I dreamt I was in this incredible library and got to visit briefly with my dad. He said that he was given a job working in the library after he had passed. I remember that he was working in a room that had no ceiling (just dark sky above), and no real floor, except we were standing on stacks of books that seemed to stretch down thousands of feet below us! It was his job to help organize all the books.

The dream didn’t last too long, but I remember waking and feeling as though I had visited a very sacred place, and that this job seemed like a good fit for him.

If you have any insider info on why people might be selected to work there, please do let me know.

Lots of love,


Mystical Library father and son

We wrote this reply:

Dear Mike,

Reading the report of your touching vision sent a ripple of n/om through us. You received the special gift of visiting your father in a spiritual classroom, which in this case was the mystical library. As is the case for all the visionary classrooms, some of the most precious “lessons” received are the pure and potent emotions that make you feel nearer and dearer to divine mystery and those you love.

You briefly joined your father in the big room, unbounded by ceilings or floors, yet standing upon hallowed ground built of infinite histories and mysteries. We can never fully know the reasons why we are sent to particular classrooms or given certain spiritual roles. But the answer to your question about why he was chosen for that job is found in the way you felt upon waking: that it seems like a good fit for him.

We celebrate with you that your father is in a sacred place performing a service for all future visitors to the numinous library who are sent there to find holy wisdom. You can also smile knowing that the next time you pray to receive guidance or instruction—and it’s God’s will that you be sent back to the library— you’ve got someone working on the inside who can help you locate what you need.


Hillary and Brad

Thank you, Mike, for allowing us to share this teaching with everyone!

October 3, 2019 (Illustration by Hillary Keeney)

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